GuildOS Alpha Is Now Live

Early access to GuildOS is now open to guild testers.

Salad Ventures
5 min readJul 17, 2022

When Salad was first launched, we observed that the world of play-to-earn gaming was largely disorganized.

Guilds were using Excel spreadsheets or similar software that left room for a host of potential problems because these programs were not designed to be used at scale for guild operations. These also required heavy manual maintenance.

If you didn’t have an eye for detail as a guild manager, coordinating both scholars and guild activities became extremely challenging. We saw an opportunity to build the infrastructure to support the industry’s massive growth.

We developed GuildOS to provide organization to the messy world of GameFi as a comprehensive solution to help guilds manage their members, tasks, assets, and finances to create a seamless experience for guild leaders to run and grow their guilds. The entire platform is built on the ethos that guild leaders should be able to focus on leading their scholar community, not on administrative tasks.

Axie Infinity (currently the most popular play-to-earn game in the world) is the only game supported on the platform. With the upcoming expanded compatibility across more games, guild leaders can look forward to using GuildOS to manage their guilds across any game they play as we begin to support them gradually over time.

In-depth interviews were conducted with members of different guilds to determine what was needed. This allowed us to prioritize the features that would be most impactful to the majority of users.

The result? An on-chain compatible product specifically tailored to the needs of today’s guilds.

What we learned:

  • The process of paying earnings to scholars takes the bulk of the effort. Managers without their own software dashboard have to transfer earnings to each scholar’s wallet individually. Not only does this take hours, but it may also be dangerous as they might transfer assets erroneously or, worse, lose them altogether. This is especially rampant when there are a large number of scholars to manage.
  • The process of transferring NFT assets in the same spirit suffers from similar inefficiencies. Sending thousands of assets to the right scholar and taking them back when a scholar is no longer active leaves most guild managers distracted from growth opportunities.
  • Manually tracking if scholars are playing the game on a daily basis and to get a sense of which ones had better performance also surfaced as a recurring issue.

The GuildOS platform provides a secure, automated solution for all three of these issues faced by almost every guild.

As of today, the guilds that signed up as alpha testers have been given full access to the platform’s features, which address some of the most common problems, including the above faced by guilds.

Login Dashboard

GuildOS provides managers a bird’s eye view for them to track scholar progress and manage scholarship applications. The platform also includes a built-in payment system that allows guilds to pay scholars accurately with a single click.

Highly-Requested GuildOS Alpha Features

We’ve spent months working on features requested from managers that we’ve interviewed among others. Some of the notable ones are listed below:

Transfer Earnings Automatically

Payslips & Payroll

Guild managers can run custom automated earnings transfers based on different payout ranges with one click of a button.

Custom Salary Schemes
This means that guild managers can set custom revenue-share (80/20, 70/30, 50/50, etc.) to reward scholars as per their own organizational policy.

Salary Scheme Creation & Setup

These payments can be made at scale, accurately, and securely to their wallets in the system as a more convenient way to manage payouts and ensures that everyone gets paid according to the agreed terms.

Automated Job Creation

NFT Asset Management

NFT Asset Management Dashboard

Long gone are the days of lost or misplaced NFTs. Guild managers can take back control of their assets and monitor them from one central location. No more losing track of where valuable NFTs are stored or accidentally sending them to the wrong address. The new dashboard makes it easy to see all of your assets in one place and manage them accordingly.

So whether you’re looking to send an NFT or rescind it entirely, you can do so with just a few clicks. GuildOS also makes it easy to transfer selected NFTs to specific wallets, so you can be sure your assets are going exactly where you want them to.

Performance Benchmarking & Leaderboard

Guild Leaderboard View

The features on the GuildOS platform are controlled by our unique dashboard system that offers a seamless way to measure scholar performance and motivation on a daily basis. Not only does it track MMR and earnings, but it also provides users with the ability to identify top performers and enact policies to reward or promote them.

Comparing performance of two scholars

We’ve been hard at work in the lab, building more features and integrating more highly-requested games onto the GuildOS platform. We’re constantly talking with users to understand more pain points and to build features that will help address these areas.

The next updated version of GuildOS will be launching soon, and we’re looking forward to bringing all of the new features and improvements garnered from testing to our users on the waiting list. In the meantime, please drop by the GuildOS website to sign up for the waitlist for our next feature launch.

We appreciate your continued support, and we can’t wait to show you what’s next for the GuildOS platform!



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