Salad Shows Support to X-Culture

Salad Ventures
2 min readApr 11, 2022


Salad Ventures, a blockchain think-tank based in Singapore that focuses on the play-to-earn industry, shows its support for education by sponsoring X-Culture.

Founded in 2010 by Dr. Vas Taras, X-Culture is a project designed to offer students an opportunity to work as part of a global virtual team for various international companies. With a primary goal to have students experience the challenges while learning how to navigate virtual business collaboration, the project has placed over 60,000 students across 102 countries on the frontlines of the global workforce.

The Salad team has worked in conjunction with X-Culture over the last few years and believes the program will benefit businesses and students alike who take up the challenges. Businesses get access to a global talent pool filled with some of the best and brightest minds of the next generation. In return, the students get the needed hands-on experience that most companies require before they consider hiring.

As the primary business goal of Salad is to better educate a new generation of players in the Play-To-Earn blockchain gaming space, Salad’s co-founder and project lead states,

The only way to instill lasting social change is to figure out a way to better educate the next generation, and we would like to continue supporting the X-Culture initiative with this sponsorship.

Felix Sim, Co-Founder and Project Lead, Salad Ventures

X-Culture has the potential to change the business consulting model forever using the power of crowdsourcing of both resources and talent alike.

The Salad sponsorship provides much-needed resources for X-Culture to fulfill its mission of connecting cultures. Their support will allow us to hire additional personnel to provide our students with a better learning experience. Also, Salad Ventures is the most innovative and innovating company X-Culture has ever worked with — our students learn a lot about cutting-edge industries and technologies while working on the Salad ventures.

Vasyl Taras

X-Culture uses a crowdsourcing model to find business solutions. The business presents problems or projects to the students, who will then conduct research, brainstorm, and collaborate to present a proposed solution. This gives students an upfront seat to what it’s like to work as a part of a global team in the real world, which has become more common as the corporate work model is shifting to a Work-From-Anywhere model post-Covid-19.

More From Salad

Website: Salad.Ventures



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