$SALD is Now Listed on XT.com
We’re making $SALD available to more users worldwide with our latest listing on XT.com. As $SALD is listed on more exchanges including Bybit, MEXC, Bitget and Uniswap, our focus remains on building our products and providing more value to our community members. Community lies at the heart of every Web3 project and we want to help other projects build theirs.
- Deposit: 10:00 on September 13, 2023 (UTC)
- Trading: 10:00 on September 14, 2023 (UTC)
- Withdrawal: 10:00 on September 15, 2023 (UTC)
Start trading now 👉 https://www.xt.com/en/trade/sald_usdt
With $SALD, holders can potentially hold governing power over our major products. Our team has been hard at work developing products and launching campaigns to give our community members a sense of belonging within our ecosystem and our latest NFT campaign, MOXIEs is testament to that.
Our $SALD token is the key for our community members to interact and have a say in our product developments and updates. Paired with MOXIEs, we’re putting a face to our community members. We want each and every one of our members to feel like they are a part of the #SaladFam and we will be revealing more exciting plans for MOXIEs. More than just cute profile photos, holders can expect tons of fun interactions and activities with our key products.
Join the #SaladFam and grow with us. Get $SALD on XT now.
Stay tuned for the latest updates on our socials -
Official Website: https://www.salad.ventures/
Whitepaper: https://wp.salad.ventures
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaladVentures
Discord: https://discord.gg/saladventures
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SaladVentures888
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsaladventures/