Unveiling the World of Arcaden

Arcaden.com & our G3M NFTs Campaign are merging to form The World of Arcaden.

Salad Ventures
12 min readNov 14, 2023
The Legendary Rainbow Moxie challenging a Mythic Dragon

Our team has been working hard in the last few months building out our soon-to-be flagship product, The World of Arcaden.

Both Arcaden.com & G3M NFTs are undergoing a massive revamp to V2. Features for both V2 G3Ms and Arcaden will be rolled out progressively over Q4 2023 to Q2 2024 and are detailed in this post below.

What is Arcaden?

Arcaden is an online gaming platform, where users can come to play games, win NFTs as prizes, and earn tokens as rewards. Rewards are funded by Credit top-ups, as well as Arcaden from its other revenue streams.

Whether you love playing games, are into collecting NFTs or just love the prospect of earning rewards, Arcaden has something for everyone. With over 200,000 Registered users and 5 million NFTs minted in a year, Arcaden is one of the fastest growing Web 3.0 gaming platforms in the world.

Head over to Arcaden.com, register for an account, and start playing games to earn rewards now!

🚀 V2.0 G3M NFTs — Updates & Upgrades

🧠 Smart Contract Update

ERC-721 to ERC-1155; Lower gas fees, and more

With the original G3Ms contract launched via Galxe.com, G3Ms V1 used an ERC-721 contract standard which made transactions expensive. Every NFT, regardless of whether it has the same metadata, is regarded as a unique asset and each transaction has to be done (and charged) individually.

Minting 10 “identical” NFTs such as Purple G3Ms would require you to pay 10 times the gas fee, whereas with the ERC-1155 Contract, you would only have to pay gas once to mint all 10 NFTs.

With over 4 million NFTs, and over 5 million transactions to date, the change in contract standard is in line with our goal to keep fees as low as possible for our users, so they can participate more.

A new contract will also allow us to have more features built in; an option we never had before.

🚗 Implementation of Relayer & Arcaden Credits for Gas Fees

We will be implementing a relayer into our V2 G3Ms contract, as well as any new contracts we may deploy in the future in order to pay gas fees to the respective chains in their native gas token on behalf of our users.

Arcaden will charge the respective gas fees in Arcaden Credits which will also include a small fee.

Fees to be paid in Arcaden Credits will apply to most (if not all) smart contract interactions on Arcaden, allowing us to integrate with multiple chains in the future while keeping to one currency for the end user.

This will be implemented via the V2 G3M NFT Contract which is scheduled to launch by Q4 2023 — Early Q1 2024

🌄 Saying Goodbye V1 G3M NFTs

⛔ End of all Galxe V1 G3M NFT Campaigns

With the launch of G3M Collectibles, all existing V1 G3M NFT Campaigns on Galxe.com will be phased out before the end of November 2023. Users will have until then to collect and forge V1 G3M NFTs.

While V1 G3M NFT Campaigns are coming to an end, we will be introducing new NFTs in the form of Keys to continue working with our partner Galxe. Users will still be able to complete the usual tasks and credentials on Galxe to collect these keys, which will eventually allow users to unlock chests on Arcaden for various rewards.

V1 G3M Campaign will be concluded before the end of November. Stay tuned on our X.com for updates.

⛔ G3M Leaderboard to conclude — Past winners to be given prizes in V2 Collectibles

G3M NFT Leaderboard on V1.0 Arcaden

A total of 6 snapshots will be taken for the Legacy G3M Leaderboard Participants.

Snapshot 1–31st May 2023
Snapshot 2–30th June 2023
Snapshot 3–31st July 2023
Snapshot 4–31st August 2023
Snapshot 5–30th September 2023
Snapshot 6–31st October 2023

The Top 200 ranking wallets for each Snapshot will receive an Arcaden VIP Pass, as well as a whitelist to mint a SALDiamond for Free (to reveal a Moxie NFT in the future) which will give numerous benefits for The World of Arcaden. They will also be credited several additional rewards such as Shards, and Collectibles on Arcaden.

To be eligible for these prizes, make sure your Arcaden account is connected to the same wallet that you have used to participate in the G3M Leadboard.

The G3M Leaderboard will be phased out, and replaced with the Arcaden League in future update roll-outs.

Stay tuned on our X.com for updates on prize distribution. To check if you qualify for any of the prizes, visit leaderboard.arcaden.com to check the snapshot results.

🌉 Transition of V1 to V2 G3Ms

✨ Introducing: G3M Collectibles

First 10 G3M Collectibles to be introduced to Arcaden

G3Ms will be introduced as Collectibles to Arcaden, prior to the launch of the V2 G3M NFT Contract. Users will be able to start collecting V2 G3Ms in the form of off-chain assets known as Collectibles.

This also allows users to make full use of the new V2 G3Ms ERC-1155 contract, to collect multiple collectibles prior to batch minting them as NFTs, in order to save gas fees.

Collectibles will act as a whitelist for the user, and allow them to mint V2 G3M NFTs once both the smart contract, and minting features are launched. More than 50+ new G3Ms will be introduced as Collectibles, and subsequently NFTs.

V2 G3M Collectibles are scheduled to launch by the end of November 2023, with minting available by Q1 2024

🌋 Upgrading V1 G3Ms to V2 (Burn Island)

Concept sketch of Burn Island

Arcaden will be introducing “Burn Island”, a new feature.

All existing V1 G3M NFT holders will have the option to burn their V1 G3Ms to acquire Collectibles, and subsequently mint out their V2 G3M NFTs on Arcaden.

As part of the roll-out of upgrades to Arcaden, an upgrade page known as Burn Island will be available to users to burn their V1 G3M NFTs, in exchange for G3M Collectibles.

Users will have the option to burn individual V1 G3Ms, or their entire collection. Every burn will be recorded and users will be rewarded with Shards (formerly known as tickets) for every V1 G3M NFT burned as an early adopters reward.

🍬 Minting of V2 G3Ms

Together with the launch of the V2 G3M NFT Contract, a minting page will go live for users to mint their V2 Collectibles into V2 NFTs.

Only V2 NFTs allow users to qualify for points in the upcoming Arcaden League.

🔨 Forging of V2 G3Ms

Forging Page Concept. Final Page may look different.

Forging will resume on V2, as we upgrade all legacy forging campaigns as well as launch new ones.

Users will be able to forge their V2 G3Ms into rarer NFTs, amounting for more points on the Arcaden League, and more to come.

Both the Blacksmith’s Forge, which is accessible by all Salad Passport holders, as well as the Magical Forge, which is only available to Arcaden VIP Pass holders, will be available.

The former will have failure rates introduced for forging attempts, while the latter has a guaranteed success rate for all attempts to forge NFTs.

A third forge will be introduced in future versions of Arcaden.

👾 V2 Arcaden — Updates & Upgrades

New Arcaden Home Page (WIP)

🪙 Adjustments to Cost of Arcaden Credits

(i). 🥗 1 $SALD = 1 Credit

Starting 14 November 2023, we’re revising the costs of Arcaden credits so Arcaden players can enjoy their favorite arcade games for much less.

Credits were initially $0.20USD each, and are now 1:1 to $SALD.

We’re pegging our credits to the value of the $SALD token. If you’ve been holding back on starting an Arcaden account, the time is now! And for our legacy users, we haven’t forgotten about you. You’ll be getting additional credit bonuses based on your past deposits.

🏆 Complete Prizes Overhaul

Our initial launch with Arcaden came with one Gacha machine that required 2,500 tickets for a single pull. After running tests, getting feedback from our users and also taking into account new features, we’ve decided to make a few major improvements to this.

(i). 🎟 Tickets to be replaced with Shards

3D render of a Shard used to open an Arcaden Chest

A small update for the visuals as well as the name of Tickets to Shards, in order to keep to the theme of the World of Arcaden will be implemented.

All existing tickets for legacy users will be converted to Shards at a 1:1 ratio.

(ii). 💠Shards per Game to be adjusted

Based on months of testing and feedback, we have made adjustments to the amount of tickets that can be won from each type of game on Arcaden. Previously, every game had a maximum cap of 50 Tickets (Shards) won per attempt. That cap has been adjusted due to certain games having a much longer average playing time as compared to others.

Earn up to 1,800 Shards per game now on Arcaden! With a much higher limit, skilled players who spend more time playing on Arcaden are incentivised to play better.

(iii). 👑New Gacha Machines — Arcaden Treasure Chests!

The first 3 Chests containing rare Collectibles to be introduced in Arcaden v2.0

Arcaden Treasure Chests will be introduced as the new Gacha Machines of the World of Arcaden! With our initial launch of V2.0 Arcaden, there will be 3 chests with a variety of collectibles ranging from Common, to Legendary tiers.

The lowest tier chest, which gives up to Rare Collectibles, will only cost 5 Shards for a single Chest, which is 500 times lower than the legacy gacha machine (2,500 Tickets)! Users can also now open 11 Chests at a time, at a slightly cheaper rate (At the cost of 10 Chests).

(iv). 🛍️ Shard Merchant — Pick your Prize!

The Shard Merchant’s store. A Curious hooded figure whose face has never been seen, the Shard Merchant holds what seems like unlimited amounts of rare collectibles. Arcadians searching for powerful artifacts visit him to upgrade themselves.

Not a fan of a game of chance? Missing a specific Collectible for your collection? The Shard Merchant provides Collectibles at fixed rates. Although they are a little pricey, you are guaranteed to get a prize that you are after, without having to gamble!

e.g of Discounted Seasonal Offerings

Trade Shards for Collectibles, as the Shard Merchant’s store has a fixed catelogue of goods, with Seasonal Offers that refresh periodically.

💰 Legacy Users Bonus

Any existing users of Arcaden who have had credits or shards in their accounts prior to this update would have received 3 bonuses.

(i). 📈Credit Bonus

Credits were initially USD0.20 each and are now instead 1 $SALD = 1 Credit.

To reward our legacy users, all paid credits topped up previously will receive a 10x Bonus!

E.g. If you bought 500 credits, we will issue an additional 5,000 credits to your account for FREE!

This only applies to credits that were purchased. Free credits received from referrals or bonuses are not eligible for this 10x bonus

(ii). 🎟️Ticket Bonus

Any user who had used their tickets previously, will receive the same number in Shards. Essentially all pulls did on the legacy gacha machine would have cost you nothing, and users will be able to re-use their Shards on the upcoming Arcaden Chests.

Users will be allowed to keep any rewards they had previously earned.

(iii). 🎁 Shard Bonus

Every 5 Credits purchased by legacy users will entitle them to 100 Shards. These will be issued directly into your account.

Shard bonuses will be distributed at a later date, while Ticket & Credit Bonuses will be issued during the initial update directly into your account.

🎉 Daily Rewards — Exclusive Daily rewards for NFT Holders

Users will be able to claim rewards daily (every 24 hours) if they own certain NFTs.

Salad Passport holders will be able to claim 50 Shards a day, while SALDiamond/Moxie holders will be able to claim a random amount between 500–1000 Shards per day, per NFT owned!

If you own the Club Salad Genesis Pass, a 2x multiplier will also be implemented across all your daily rewards.

If you are a huge NFT fan, and want an opportunity to grab more Collectibles, owning these NFTs will give you a huge edge over other Arcadians.

🎭 User Profile Page Upgrade

New Arcaden v2.0 User Profile Page

We have upgraded your User Profile page to display all collectibles and in future, all NFTs that you have collected from Arcaden.

The new UI also includes sneak peaks of Collectibles that you do not own yet so that you can keep track of your collection, and hunt for the missing pieces!

While the initial version is only visible to the users themselves, our team is working on deploying public profiles in the future so you can show off your collection to your friends, and other members of the community.

👀 Sneak Peak of Major Feature Additions

🐉 Quests — Daily Mythic Challenges

3D render of our Legendary Rainbow Moxie challenging a Mythic Golem.

Our first Quest feature, Daily Mythic Challenges, will be introduced in the later part of the Arcaden upgrade. Mythics are ancient creatures awakened by the Genesis event.

Gated by the ownership of the SALDiamond NFT and in future, the Moxie NFT upon reveal, holders are able to challenge these Mythics in hopes of attaining exclusive & rare rewards.

🥇 Arcaden League — Compete & Win Seasonal Token Rewards!

Concept Sketch for Arcaden League storyline

An upgraded version of the Legacy G3M Leaderboard, users will get points for each V2 G3M NFT Collected and climb the leaderboard. Top scorers of the Leaderboard will be eligible for a seasonal prize pool that will be distributed in $SALD.

A base prize pool will be guaranteed by Arcaden, and a percentage of all Credit deposits on Arcaden will be added to the prize pool.

🥚 Celestial Companions — Introducing 3GGs to The World of Arcaden

The 5 tiers of Celestial 3GGs in the World of Arcaden (WIP).

5 different tiers of 3GGs have been introduced to The World of Arcaden. Legend has it that these 3GGs contain 1 of 12 different Celestials.

Since the dawn of time, the Celestials have battled with each other for the right to rule. While the original 12 Celestials no longer exist, their bloodlines remained and their descendants are rumored to have different rare traits, even within their own race.

The Celestial Arena remains in a hidden location, awaiting for the day to reveal itself to once again be a grand stage for the battle of a lifetime.

🗺️ Public Roadmap

Arcaden Public Roadmap on Notion highlighting features & statuses

Some of our community members have been wondering what we were up to for the last couple of months. While we have been super busy scoping out and build the foundation of this major upgrade, we hope that this massive update post has answered all your curiosities.

To provide more updates on an ongoing basis on what we are working on, we have created an official Public Roadmap highlighting all the features that we have built or are planning to build so you can see our progress!

More details will be added to this roadmap progressively. Link to the roadmap will be included at the end of this post.

What’s Next?

We hope you’re just as excited as we are for this major Arcaden upgrade!

We have more major features in place to roll out over the next few months. Be sure to keep an eye on our socials for feature launches and new concepts.

If you haven’t registered for an Arcaden account, hop over to https://arcaden.com and grab one today!

Keep an eye on our socials for the latest updates on this stellar launch!

Official Website: https://arcaden.com

Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/arcadenofficial

Discord: https://discord.gg/saladventures

Public Roadmap: https://saladventures.notion.site/Arcaden-Public-Roadmap-4b73f676d04b4bc090c3759d9274bae8?pvs=4



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